Sunday, April 10, 2011

Chocolate Covered Cherry (cake pops)

Well, those darned cake pops everyone is talking about are so cute!  I had to try some of my own.  I opened up the book on a sick day home Friday, and discovered that Bakerella herself suggests using box cake mixes.  How easy!  I actually had a cake mix and can of frosting waiting for me in the cupboard.  It is "cherry chip" my favorite flavor from my childhood.  But now that I'm all about creating my own recipes, I haven't had the heart to make something from a box.  I couldn't have been more thrilled to discover a way to use up the mix.

Next, I had to mix 2/3 of the frosting with the crumbled cake. 

 The next step was to roll this stuff into cute balls.

I have to admit, the next step is to refrigerate them for several hours or freeze for 15 minutes.  I decided to just stick them in the fridge, make lunch, and clean the house.  By the time the chocolate and dipping process came I was so tired and cranky (this is DEFINITELY the hard part) I had no more patience for pictures.  But here is the set-up:

I had some major problems with the chocolate and the dipping. I am glad this was a low-key first try.  They taste pretty good, but aren't that pretty.


  1. yay! i think they look great. i haven't tried chocolate yet!

  2. It was tough to work with - it got thick and hard and I had to thin it with shortening, and still it was thick. Also it cracked. Bakerella says that is a result of rolling the balls too tightly, so who knows. . .
